Rick Barry Latest To Depart Sports Leader
The Contra Costa Times reported late Monday evening that afternoon co-host Rick Barry is the latest — and, to date, the biggest name — to be jettisoned by Sports Leader KNBR/680.
"It was a lot of different things. He had other things that he was looking at," KNBR VP/GM Tony Salvadore told Times reporter Joe Stiglich. "Rick has plenty of other things going on. He has a lot of irons in the fire."
"It was really a mutual-type of thing," Barry (photo, right) told Stiglich. "I was always concerned that when you get new ownership, you never know what's going to happen. I was told they were thinking of doing something with my contract. I was looking for some other things to do. We said it was time to say goodbye."
Barry, referred to lovingly as "The Hall Of Famer" by KNBR morning star Gary Radnich, had co-hosted the afternoon show on The Sports Leader for the past five years with Rod Brooks. A possible replacement for Barry, former Giants voice Ted Robinson, did fill-in work on the station's "Razor & Mr. T" show last week, sitting in for the vacationing Tom Tolbert alongside Ralph Barbieri.
Speaking of Robinson, he'll continue as lead radio play-by-play voice of the Stanford Cardinal football broadcasts on KNBR/1050 (KTCT) this Fall, working once again with the evergreen Bob Murphy. The university expects to announce a new station for its men's basketball radiocasts shortly...
And since this is turning into an All Sports edition, I'll mention that the wonderful (outstanding, great, beloved) Sharks TV color commentator Drew Remenda has departed, albeit reluctantly, from the Bay Area to return home to Saskatoon, but not before taking Tom Tolbert's spot on KNBR during week of July 31 through August 4 on the Razor & Mr. T show. Drew, who has endeared himself to local hockey fans over the past few years, may be in line for a spot on the CBC's "Hockey Night In Canada," and can still be heard weekday afternoons doing his excellent show on CKOM/650, Saskatoon via the Internet. Stay classy, Saskatoon...
More sports? Hmmm, let's see ... Well, one year after skewering the lackluster San Francisco Giants — and getting bounced from KNBR for doing what they paid him to do — Larry Krueger has hit it big in Sacramento, according to the Sacramento Bee. "The Krueg and Townie Show" on Sacramento's KHTK/1140 (Saturdays, 1-5 p.m.), which Krueger co-hosts with fellow KNBR alum Chris Townsend "is as good a program as you'll find, with hosts who enlighten listeners without boring them to the point of road rage with too much sports drama. The only problem is a good one. There isn't enough of the show," according to the Bee...
Okay, have we run out of KNBR-related items yet? No such luck — Bruce MacGowan, another Sports Leader refugee, is contributing an occasional history column to the Marin I-J in addition to spot work on Oakland A's pregames, while Rod Brooks, the still-employed half of the former "Rick & Rod Show" on KNBR, will be the sideline reporter on 49ers gamecasts on KNBR/680/1050/107.7, etc., and the Niners Radio Network this season (and no, he won't be working the sidelines on Raiders' broadcasts as I erroneously reported earlier to endless howls of laughter and derision. You people actually read this thing?)...
This year's inductees into the national Radio Hall of Fame have been announced, and as predicted here previously, Bill King failed to attract wide support and was not among those selected for enshrinement. Newsmen Douglas Edwards and Christopher Glenn of CBS, ABC Radio president John Hare, and jocks William B. Williams and Scott Shannon made this year's list of honorees...
Please note that the following item is entirely unrelated to sports, with my apologies: Free FM 106.9 (KIFR) has rearranged the deck chairs once more, pushing Scott and Casey (Scott Hasick and Casey Bartholomew) overboard to make room for Tom Leykis in the afternoon slot. Leykis had been tape-delayed previously. What the heck ever happened to "live and local," guys? At the very least you could bring in former locals JV and Elvis ("The Doghouse"), who've now hit it big in the Big Apple on the NYC version of Free FM. Just a thought, and it wouldn't hurt to give it a try...
AllAccess reported last Friday (August 11) that Peter Thiele will be the new operations manager at Salem Communications' KFAX/1100 and KNTS/1220 duo here in the Bay Area. Thiele had been program director at conservative talker WORD/Greenville-Spartanburg, S.C., and was PD and an on-air host at conservative talker KVNN/Huntsville, Ala.

"It was really a mutual-type of thing," Barry (photo, right) told Stiglich. "I was always concerned that when you get new ownership, you never know what's going to happen. I was told they were thinking of doing something with my contract. I was looking for some other things to do. We said it was time to say goodbye."
Barry, referred to lovingly as "The Hall Of Famer" by KNBR morning star Gary Radnich, had co-hosted the afternoon show on The Sports Leader for the past five years with Rod Brooks. A possible replacement for Barry, former Giants voice Ted Robinson, did fill-in work on the station's "Razor & Mr. T" show last week, sitting in for the vacationing Tom Tolbert alongside Ralph Barbieri.
Speaking of Robinson, he'll continue as lead radio play-by-play voice of the Stanford Cardinal football broadcasts on KNBR/1050 (KTCT) this Fall, working once again with the evergreen Bob Murphy. The university expects to announce a new station for its men's basketball radiocasts shortly...
And since this is turning into an All Sports edition, I'll mention that the wonderful (outstanding, great, beloved) Sharks TV color commentator Drew Remenda has departed, albeit reluctantly, from the Bay Area to return home to Saskatoon, but not before taking Tom Tolbert's spot on KNBR during week of July 31 through August 4 on the Razor & Mr. T show. Drew, who has endeared himself to local hockey fans over the past few years, may be in line for a spot on the CBC's "Hockey Night In Canada," and can still be heard weekday afternoons doing his excellent show on CKOM/650, Saskatoon via the Internet. Stay classy, Saskatoon...
More sports? Hmmm, let's see ... Well, one year after skewering the lackluster San Francisco Giants — and getting bounced from KNBR for doing what they paid him to do — Larry Krueger has hit it big in Sacramento, according to the Sacramento Bee. "The Krueg and Townie Show" on Sacramento's KHTK/1140 (Saturdays, 1-5 p.m.), which Krueger co-hosts with fellow KNBR alum Chris Townsend "is as good a program as you'll find, with hosts who enlighten listeners without boring them to the point of road rage with too much sports drama. The only problem is a good one. There isn't enough of the show," according to the Bee...
Okay, have we run out of KNBR-related items yet? No such luck — Bruce MacGowan, another Sports Leader refugee, is contributing an occasional history column to the Marin I-J in addition to spot work on Oakland A's pregames, while Rod Brooks, the still-employed half of the former "Rick & Rod Show" on KNBR, will be the sideline reporter on 49ers gamecasts on KNBR/680/1050/107.7, etc., and the Niners Radio Network this season (and no, he won't be working the sidelines on Raiders' broadcasts as I erroneously reported earlier to endless howls of laughter and derision. You people actually read this thing?)...
This year's inductees into the national Radio Hall of Fame have been announced, and as predicted here previously, Bill King failed to attract wide support and was not among those selected for enshrinement. Newsmen Douglas Edwards and Christopher Glenn of CBS, ABC Radio president John Hare, and jocks William B. Williams and Scott Shannon made this year's list of honorees...
Please note that the following item is entirely unrelated to sports, with my apologies: Free FM 106.9 (KIFR) has rearranged the deck chairs once more, pushing Scott and Casey (Scott Hasick and Casey Bartholomew) overboard to make room for Tom Leykis in the afternoon slot. Leykis had been tape-delayed previously. What the heck ever happened to "live and local," guys? At the very least you could bring in former locals JV and Elvis ("The Doghouse"), who've now hit it big in the Big Apple on the NYC version of Free FM. Just a thought, and it wouldn't hurt to give it a try...
AllAccess reported last Friday (August 11) that Peter Thiele will be the new operations manager at Salem Communications' KFAX/1100 and KNTS/1220 duo here in the Bay Area. Thiele had been program director at conservative talker WORD/Greenville-Spartanburg, S.C., and was PD and an on-air host at conservative talker KVNN/Huntsville, Ala.
well you almost got it right -
"...while Rod Brooks, the still-employed half of the former "Rick & Rod Show" on KNBR, will be the sideline reporter on Oakland Raiders gamecasts on KSFO/560 and the Raiders Radio Network this season."
--Actually Brooks will be the new 49ers sideline man on KNBR broadcasts, teaming up with play-by-play man Joe Starkey and analyst Gary Plummer.
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